Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Mercy Gift By Os Hillman

"Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me" (Rev 3:20).
I am constantly amazed that the Creator of the universe wants to have an intimate relationship with us. While we are frantically searching for that certain something to make us happy, God is standing there the entire time saying "Here I am!" The scripture in Revelation says that He is standing at our door and knocking. If only we would take the time to listen and invite Him in! Our neighbor Gerry told us a story that gave us the perfect picture of this concept.

Gerry is single, an attorney by vocation and works from his home. He has an amazing gift of mercy, an incredible love for animals and a malfunctioning front door. His door doesn't shut properly and the only way to keep the door closed is to lock it, which Gerry rarely does. One day while working at home he heard his front door open. When he investigated the noise he discovered that Buddy, one of the neighborhood dogs, had let himself in by simply pushing on the front door.

Gerry gave him a treat and day after day, Buddy would come and visit. Each day it was the same routine. Buddy would push the door open, stand in the foyer and patiently wait for Gerry to come to him and give him a treat. He never forced his way in or begged for food - he always waited for Gerry to come to him. And Gerry always came. A few weeks later, Buddy started bringing his friends - other dogs in the neighborhood - and soon the dogs started hanging out for days before they would go back home.

Angie and I laugh as we often drive by Gerry's house and see his front door wide open. And yet, we know that inside he is enjoying the fellowship of the neighborhood dogs. We can have that same fellowship with Jesus when we open the doors of our hearts to Him. He is standing at the door waiting for you to invite Him in.

Source:  The Mercy Gift By Os Hillman

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