Thursday, September 2, 2010

Accepting My Design By Os Hillman

"Does not the potter have the right to make out of the same lump of clay some pottery for noble purposes and some for common use?" (Rom 9:21).
My wife and I like to go to movies. She often comments about the lips of beautiful actresses: "Check those lips out! Boy, God sure short-changed me in the lip category," she laments. She has always felt her lips were too thin. Her girlfriends find her concern humorous and often kid her about it.

Have you ever wished that God made you differently? Perhaps you wished you were more athletic or could have a totally different career. Or perhaps you wished you were prettier or taller or even have a different nose.

God made every person differently and for different purposes. Not everyone is made to be in the public eye. Some are made to serve behind the scenes. It is important to know and be at peace with how and why God made you. 

Paul tells us in Romans that we are all crafted out of the same clay. There is no one molded and shaped like you, No one has the exact personality as you. Your DNA is one of a kind.

God uses the common to produce the uncommon. No matter how inferior you may feel you are in a particular area, God desires to use you for His purposes. Your unique qualities are made to fit with the way He plans to use you for His purposes. This is why we must accept our uniqueness. We want His power to be manifested in our uniqueness.

Thank God today for the way He made you.

Source:  Accepting My Design By Os Hillman

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