Tuesday, March 15, 2011

How to Stay Encouraged When Everything Else is Falling Apart

Keep Your Lamp Full by Remembering...

Your daily goal as God's child is to simply stay in union with the risen Savior.
Keep your lamp full (Matthew 25:1-8) by remembering:

1. Life in Jesus is easy when you know you have but one responsibility: Staying in union with Him, abiding in Him (John 15:4). Unless we are in union with Him, we cannot keep the commandments. We will not have the strength. Besides, everything we do outside of Him will produce things that add up to nothing. Nothing means zero, blank, zilch, you lose, unproductive, no lasting fruit.

2. Life in Jesus is hard when you load your heart and mind with burdens you were not meant to carry. When you let yourself carry unassigned burdens, His will is misunderstood. You begin to think He is not fair or that you have to measure up to the task. Soon you begin to think the task is too hard to do. Some blame it on a non-existent demon, wondering why he doesn't obey the name of Jesus. Carrying a burden you were never meant to carry can turn into bondage (Galatians 5:1). The devil wants you to think serving Jesus is impossible. Serving Jesus is meant to be a joy. Yes, there are demons, but they are not meant to run your life, Jesus is. Take the authority Jesus has given you and walk in freedom (Luke 10:19)!

3. Life in Jesus is easy when you realize His commandments are not grievous (I John 5:3). Jesus will never give you more than you can bear, temptation-wise (I Corinthians 10:13) and burden-wise (Numbers 11:11-17). Life is easy when you realize His grace is always sufficient (2 Corinthians 12:9) for each day.

4. Life in Jesus is hard when you carry any burden except the one He has for you. Here are three types of burdens: 1) Yours (Galatians 6:5); 2) Others that are assigned to you – help each other when it is in your power to do so (Galatians 6:2); 3) and Christ's (Matthew 11:28-30). We must stay in union with Him and "learn of Him." Many saints started out serving Him with great energy and sincere commitment, but having familiarity rather than intimacy with Jesus, they wound up frustrated, discouraged and confused. God's rest eludes them.

5. Life in Jesus is easy when we recognize that He can appear in a vast array of disguises, ready to become visible in any circumstance or through any vessel. Jesus can be mistaken for a gardener (John 20:15) or a stranger (Luke 24:16). When we are in union with the Master, we will be amazed at how He will suddenly manifest Himself to us. The Lord will sometimes speak through the most unlikely vessels, like you and me.

The Rest Available to Us Through Jesus
When Jesus died on that Cross, He made something available to you and me...the ability to rest in the midst of chaos.

Many years ago, a little boy was given a priceless possession: his deceased grandfather's gold pocket watch. How he treasured it! But one day, while playing at his father's ice plant, he lost the watch amid all the ice and sawdust. He searched, becoming frantic, but no watch. Then he suddenly realized what to do. He stopped scurrying around and became very still. In the silence, he heard the watch ticking.

God has given each of us the priceless gift of resting in Him. How easy it is to lose His rest in the business of our life. Yet, it is always there to find, if we will but pause and listen to the presence of Jesus in our hearts.

Today, rest in Him. Lay that burden down at His feet. He is waiting to lift it off of you. The spirit of heaviness is about to be lifted off of many (Isaiah 61:3). Go to Him today and:
Stay in union with Jesus...if you do this one thing, everything else will fall into place.

1 comment:

  1. hi ruth, this is such a wonderful piece for me...
    i super need it. thank you. =) Méan
